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2015-8-27 12:48| 发布者: 风在手| 查看: 3786| 评论: 21|原作者: 直言了|来自: 直言了博客

摘要: 转基因:美国认错了。 直言了,2015-08-05 /2015-08-23 19:41:14。 .... .... 今年07月02日,美国白宫以科技顾问备忘录形式颁布了行政令,标题挺长: MEMO ...

Goals and Guidance

Federal agencies that regulate biotechnology products should continually strive to improve predictability, increase efficiency, and reduce uncertainty in their regulatory processes and requirements. It is critical that these improvements:

  • maintain high standards that are based on the best available science and that deliver appropriate health and environmental protection;
  • establish transparent, coordinated, predictable, and efficient regulatory practices across agencies with overlapping jurisdiction; and
  • promote public confidence in the oversight of the products of biotechnology through clear and transparent public engagement.

This memo initiates a process to help advance these aims, beginning with the following one-year objectives: (1) development of an updated CF to clarify the roles and responsibilities of the agencies that regulate the products of biotechnology; (2) formulation of a long-term strategy to ensure that the Federal regulatory system is equipped to efficiently assess the risks, if any, associated with future products of biotechnology while supporting innovation, protecting health and the environment, promoting public confidence in the regulatory process, increasing transparency and predictability, and reducing unnecessary costs and burdens; and (3) commissioning an external, independent analysis of the future landscape of biotechnology products.

The following elements will support the process to achieve these objectives:

Section I. Biotechnology Working Group Under the Emerging Technologies Interagency Policy Coordination Committee.

The new Biotechnology Working Group under the Emerging Technologies Interagency Policy Coordination Committee (ETIPC) will include representatives from the Executive Office of the President, as well as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The working group shall coordinate with other Federal agencies and offices as necessary.

Section II. Mission and Function of the Working Group.

Within one year of the date of this memorandum, the working group shall take steps detailed below and others, as appropriate, to increase the transparency, coordination, predictability, and efficiency of the regulatory system for the products of biotechnology. Specifically, the working group shall:

(a) update the CF to clarify the current roles and responsibilities of the agencies that regulate the products of biotechnology, after input from the public, by clarifying:
(i) which biotechnology product areas are within the authority and responsibility of each agency;

(ii) the roles that each agency plays for different product areas, particularly for those product areas that fall within the responsibility of multiple agencies, and how those roles relate to each other in the course of a regulatory assessment;

(iii) a standard mechanism for communication and, as appropriate, coordination among agencies, while they perform their respective regulatory functions, and for identifying agency designees responsible for this coordination function; and

(iv) the mechanism and timeline for regularly reviewing, and updating as appropriate, the CF to minimize delays, support innovation, protect health and the environment and promote the public trust in the regulatory systems for biotechnology products; and

(b) develop a long-term strategy to ensure that the Federal regulatory system is equipped to assess efficiently the risks, if any, associated with future products of biotechnology while supporting innovation, protecting health and the environment, maintaining public confidence in the regulatory process, increasing transparency and predictability, and reducing unnecessary costs and burdens by:

(i) developing a plan for periodic formal horizon-scanning assessments of new biotechnology products to ensure that regulatory agencies are prepared for future products well before they reach the regulatory system;

(ii) working with other Federal agencies, as appropriate, to develop a coordinated and goal-oriented plan for supporting the science that informs regulatory activities with regard to the assessment of biotechnology products, and to reflect these priorities in agency budget submissions starting with the fiscal year (FY) 2017 budget;

(iii) ensuring that product evaluations are risk-based and grounded in the best science available, including regularly adjusting regulatory activities based on experience with specific products and the environments into which those products have been introduced;

(iv) establishing a timetable and mechanisms to work with stakeholders to identify impediments to innovation, focusing on building new, and augmenting existing, stakeholder collaborations to inform efforts, increase transparency, streamline processes, reduce costs and response times, and ensure the protection of health and the environment;

(v) coordinating the development of tools and mechanisms for assisting small businesses developing biotechnology products to navigate the regulatory system;

(vi) identifying changes to authorities, regulations, and policies, if any, that could improve agencies’ abilities to assess expeditiously the potential impacts and risks arising from future products of biotechnology and to ensure the transparency, predictability, and efficiency of regulatory oversight for such products;

(vii) initiating development of a modernized, user-friendly set of tools for presenting the regulatory agencies’ authorities, practices, and bases for decision making for the regulation of biotechnology products to the public, including digital services to improve the interactions between the FDA, EPA, USDA, the general public, and product developers and updating these tools and practices regularly to ensure optimal transparency; and

(viii) proactively engaging with the public to discuss how the Federal government uses a risk-based, scientifically sound approach to regulating the products of biotechnology, and clearly communicating to the public which types of products are regulated, which types of products are not regulated, and why.









引用 兰色凡尘 2015-8-27 13:11
引用 兰色凡尘 2015-8-27 13:13
引用 风在手 2015-8-28 08:39
兰色凡尘 发表于 2015-8-27 13:11
尤其是转基因稻米 ...

引用 风在手 2015-8-28 08:40
兰色凡尘 发表于 2015-8-27 13:11
尤其是转基因稻米 ...

引用 海风依然 2015-8-29 16:00
引用 ZHANG737 2015-8-31 11:58
引用 风在手 2015-8-31 13:10
海风依然 发表于 2015-8-29 16:00

引用 风在手 2015-8-31 13:11
ZHANG737 发表于 2015-8-31 11:58

引用 海风依然 2015-9-1 20:24
风在手 发表于 2015-8-31 13:10

引用 风在手 2015-9-5 08:41
海风依然 发表于 2015-9-1 20:24

引用 海风依然 2015-9-6 16:12
风在手 发表于 2015-9-5 08:41

引用 风在手 2015-9-8 08:19
本帖最后由 风在手 于 2015-9-8 08:23 编辑
海风依然 发表于 2015-9-6 16:12

确实 ,这帮垃圾应该全部关在一起,每天提供全套的转基因食品,特别是他们最推崇的那些毒蛋白啊草甘磷转基因品种。还有各色疫苗,让他们全部接种,也让他们好好地享受下他们最热爱的东西嘛。
引用 海风依然 2015-9-8 18:53
风在手 发表于 2015-9-8 08:19
确实 ,这帮垃圾应该全部关在一起,每天提供全套的转基因食品,特别是他们最推崇的那些毒蛋白啊草甘磷转基 ...

引用 风在手 2015-9-9 08:00
海风依然 发表于 2015-9-8 18:53

引用 海风依然 2015-9-9 20:22
风在手 发表于 2015-9-9 08:00

引用 风在手 2015-9-10 08:11
海风依然 发表于 2015-9-9 20:22

引用 凌迟阿扁 2015-9-10 10:16
引用 风在手 2015-9-10 10:44
凌迟阿扁 发表于 2015-9-10 10:16

引用 海风依然 2015-9-11 16:29
风在手 发表于 2015-9-10 08:11



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