1854年3月31日(日本嘉永七年三月三日),美日两国签订「神奈川条约」 由于中国藩属琉球国曾经分别于「1854年美国、1855年法国、1859年荷兰」等国签订的通商条约协议书是经中国清政府监督批准的,而且条约文件中都使用《中文》及清朝《咸丰》纪元年号。 但是1854年以后日本与美国、荷兰、法国等签署协议书,则是皆以《日文》书写及日本幕府《嘉永、安平》纪元等差异性,有所不同于中国藩属琉球对外的公文书。 并且西方著名法学家「惠顿」对于《藩属制度》研究后,也认同中琉的宗藩关系。事故,日本殖民者于1879年片面非法的《废琉置县》前后期论及琉球是为「中日两属论」,实属篡改历史的无稽之谈。 Convention of Peace and Amity between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan 全名:アメリカ合衆国と日本帝国間の平和および修好の条約であり、「Treaty of Kanagawa」と通称される。 日米和親條約(日本國米利堅合衆國和親條約) 安政元年(嘉永七年)甲寅三月三日(西暦千八百五十四年第三月三十一日)於神奈川 調印 安政二年乙卯正月五日(西暦千八百五十五年第二月二十一日)於下田 批准書交換 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第一页。 ![]() 亞墨利加合衆國と帝國日本兩國の人民誠實不朽の和睦を取結ひ兩國人民の交親を旨とし向後可守箇條相立候ため合衆國より全權「マッゼウ-カルブレス-ペルリ(马休·卡尔佩斯·佩里)」(人名)を日本に差越し日本君主よりは全權 「林大學頭、井戸對馬守、伊澤美作守、鵜殿民部少輔」を差遣し勅諭を信して雙方左之通取極候。 第一條 日本と合衆國とは其人民永世不朽の和親を取結ひ場所人柄の差別無之事。 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第二页。 ![]() 第二條 伊豆下田松前地箱館の兩港は日本政府に於て亞墨利加船薪水食料石炭欠乏の品を日本にて調候丈は給候為メ渡來之儀差免し候尤下田港は約條書面調印之上即時にも相開き箱館は來年三月より相始候事。給すへき品物直段書之儀は日本役人より相渡可申右代料は金銀錢を以て可相辨候事。 第三條 合衆國の船日本海濱漂着之時扶助いたし其漂民を下田又は箱館に護送し本國の者受取可申所持の品物も同樣に可致候尤漂民諸雜費は兩國互に同樣之事故不及償候事。 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第三页。 ![]() 第四條 漂着或は渡來の人民取扱之儀は他國同樣緩優に有之閉籠メ候儀致間敷乍併正直の法度には服從いたし候事。 第五條 合衆國の漂民其他の者共當分下田箱館逗留中長崎に於て唐和蘭人同樣閉籠メ窮屈の取扱無之下田港内の小島周り凡七里の内は勝手に徘徊いたし箱館港の儀は追て取極め候事。 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第四页。 ![]() 第六條 必用の品物其外可相叶事は雙方談判之上取極候事。 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第五页。 ![]() 第七條 合衆國の船右兩港に渡來の時金銀錢並品物を以て入用の品相調ひ候を差免し候尤日本政府の規定に相從可申且合衆國の船より差出候品物を日本人不好して差返候時は受取可申候事。 第八條 薪水食料石炭並缺乏の品を求る時には其地の役人にて取扱すへし私に取引すへからさる事。 第九條 日本政府外國人え當節亞墨利加人え不差免候廉相免し候節は亞墨利加人えも同樣差免可申右に付談判猶豫不致候事。 第十條 合衆國の船若し難風に逢さる時は下田箱館兩港の外猥に渡來不致候事。 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第六页。 ![]() 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第七页。 ![]() 第十一條 兩國政府に於て無據儀有之候時は模樣により合衆國官吏之者下田に差置候儀も可有之尤約定調印より十八ケ月後に無之候ては不及其儀候事。 第十二條 今般の約定相定候上は兩國の者堅く相守可申尤合衆國主に於て長公會大臣と評議一定之後書を日本大君に致し此事今より後十八ケ月を過き君主許容之約條取替し候事。 右之條日本亞墨利加兩國の全權調印せしむる者也。 嘉永七年三月三日 林 大 学 頭 花押 井 戸 對 馬 守 同 伊 澤 美 作 守 同 鵜 殿 民 部 少 輔 同 マッゼウ-カルブレス-ペルリ(马休·卡尔佩斯·佩里) 手記 图:1854年日米和親條約(复制文书)第8页。 ![]() Convention of Peace and Amity between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan 日米和親条約(英文) アメリカ合衆国の原本(手書きの文書)から起こした日米和親条約の英文の条約です。 Treaty between the United States of America and the Empire of Japan. The United States of America, and the Empire of Japan, desiring to establish firm, lasting and sincere friendship between the two Nations, have resolved to fix in a manner clear and positive, by means of a Treaty or general convention of peace and Amity, the rules which shall in future be mutually observed in the intercourse of their respective Countries; for which most desirable object, the President of the United States has conferred full powers on his Commissioner, Matthew Calbraith Perry, Special Ambassador of the United States to Japan: And the August Sovereign of Japan, has given similar full powers to his Commissioners, Hayashi, Dai_gaku no_kami; Ido, Prince of Tsus_sima; Izawa, Prince of Mima_saki; and Udono, Member of the Board of Revenue. And the said Commissioners after having exchanged their said full powers, and duly considered the premises, have agreed to the following Articles. Article I. There shall be a perfect, permanent, and universal peace, and a sincere and cordial amity between the United States of America, on the one part, and the Empire of Japan on the other part; and between their people respectively, without exception of persons or places. Article II. The Port of Simoda in the principality of Idzu, and the Port of Hakodade, in the principality of Matsmai, are granted by the Japanese as ports for the reception of American Ships, where they can be supplied with Wood, Water, provisions, and Coal, and other Articles their necessities may require as far as the Japanese have them. The time for opening the first named Port is immediately on signing this Treaty; the last named Port is to be opened immediately after the same day in the ensuing Japanese Year. Note A tariff of prices shall be given by the Japanese Officers of the things which they can furnish, payment for which shall be made in Gold and Silver Coin. Article III. Whenever Ships of the United States are thrown or wrecked on the Coast of Japan, the Japanese vessels will assist them, and carry their Crews to Simoda, or Hakodade, and hand them over to their Countrymen appointed to receive them; whatever Articles the ship wrecked men may have preserved shall likewise be restored, and the expenses incurred in the rescue and support of Americans and Japanese who may thus be thrown upon the shores of either nation are not to be refunded. Article IV. Those Shipwrecked persons and other Citizens of the United States shall be free as in other Countries, and not subjected to confinement, but shall be amenable to just laws. Article V. Shipwrecked men and other Citizens of the United States, temporarily living at Simoda and Hakodade shall not be subject to such restrictions and confinement as the Dutch and Chinese are at Nagasaki, but shall be free at Simoda to go where they please within the limits of Seven Japanese miles (or Ri.) from a small Island in the harbor of Simoda, marked on the accompanying Chart, hereto appended : and shall in like manner be free to go where they please at Hakodade, within limits to be defined after the visit of the United States Squadron to that place. Article VI. If there be any other sort of goods wanted, or any business which shall require to be arranged, there shall be careful deliberation between the parties in order to settle such matters. Article VII. It is agreed that Ships of the United States resorting to the ports open to them, shall be permitted to exchange Gold and Silver Coin and articles of Goods for other articles of goods, under such regulations as shall be temporarily established by the Japanese Government for that purpose. It is stipulated however that the Ships of the United States shall be permitted to carry away whatever articles they are unwilling to exchange. Article VIII. Wood, Water, provisions, Coal and Goods required shall only be procured through the agency of Japanese Officers appointed for that purpose, and in no other manner. Article IX. It is agreed, that if at any future day the government of Japan shall grant to any other Nation or Nations privileges and advantages which are not herein granted to the United States, and the Citizens thereof, that these same privileges and advantages shall be granted likewise to the United States, and to the Citizens thereof, without any consultation or deley. Article X. Ships of the United States shall be permitted to resort to no other ports in Japan but Simoda and Hakodade unless in distress or forced by stress of weather. Article XI. There shall be appointed by the Government of the United States, Consuls or Agents to reside in Simoda at any time after the expiration of Eighteen months from the date of the signing of this Treaty, provided that either of the two governments deem such arrangement necessary. Article XII. The present Convention having been concluded and duly signed, shall be obligatory and faithfully observed by the United States of America and Japan, and by the Citizens and Subjects of each respective power; and it is to be ratified and approved by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the August Sovereign of Japan, and the ratification shall be exchanged within eighteen months from the date of the signature thereof, or sooner if practicable. In faith whereof, we the respective plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and the Empire of Japan aforesaid have signed and sealed these presents. Done at Kanagawa this thirty first day of March (3月31日) in the Year of our Lord Jesus Christ, One thousand eight hundred and fifty four(1854年); and of Kayei the Seventh Year, third month and Third‐day(嘉永七年三月三日). M, C, Perry ![]() 备注: 中国藩属琉球国曾经分别于,「1854年美国、1855年法国、1859年荷兰」等国签订的通商条约协议书等,是经中国清政府批准的,而且条约文件中都使用中文与的中国清朝“咸丰”年号,而这些则与1854年以后日本与美国、荷兰、法国等签署协议书的日本《文字书写》与《纪元》有所不同,西方著名法学家惠顿的‘藩属制度’也同意这个宗藩关系的。 1880年,日本趁中国在新疆与沙俄进行军事斗争,趁火打劫,强迫清政府签属《琉球分岛条约》,即琉球群岛一分为二,把宫古岛、八重山岛、与那国岛划给中国,以北之琉球主岛划入日本,从此定下中日两国的疆界。试问,如果日本和各国不承认中国对琉球主权的拥有,以日本之狼子野心,已在1879侵吞了琉球,干嘛还找清政府谈琉球主权之事?这就说明,日本也知道理亏! 李鸿章这时办了一件了不起的事,顶住了所有压力,没有签字,保住了中国对琉球所拥有的宗主权!在琉球主权问题上,诸君,难道我们还不如李鸿章吗? 1943年11月22日中、美、英在开罗举行了会议,这就是著名的开罗会议,美国总统罗斯福先生多次对蒋介石先生说要把日本所占之琉球交还给中国,为什么,因为美国总统知道, 中国是琉球的宗主国,中国拥有琉球群岛的主权。 此后的[波茨坦公告]及日本投降后所签[无条件投降书],均写明日本国土仅限于日本九州,四国、本州、北海道这四个本岛。日本主权仅限于这四个本岛,其余南千岛群岛、独岛、琉球群岛、钓鱼岛等都不是日本的主权范围。 1946年一月盟国‘第677号令’,写明北纬30度以南,琉球群岛不属于日本,由美国代中国托管。 1947年,联合国安理会通过了通过了[第21号决议],日本正式交出了太平洋各岛,包括琉球群岛的主权,当时蒋介石忙于内战,琉球群岛暂交由美国托管。没想到蒋介石集团败退台湾,从此无力争要琉球群岛主权。 到1970年前后,中华人民共和国将要代替台湾蒋介石进入联合国,成为五大常任理事国,美国看到蒋介石再无利用价值,在1971年决定把琉球群岛和钓鱼岛一并交由日本管理,请注意,美国只交给日本的是琉球群岛的管辖权,而并非主权,为什么?就是美国政府也知道在国际法上日本没有琉球群岛的主权,美国也没有,琉球群岛的主权拥有者是中国,只有中国。 |
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